Thursday, January 26, 2012

Izabelle and Chloe Hanging Out!

Chloe and I had a fun this weekend. We stayed home, but we had fun. Chloe met my cousin and had a sleepover with us. we played xbox. We also played in the snow, with my toys, and colored. Chloe cuddled with me at bedtime and my dad read us Chloes books. Chloe also likes my dog Juno.
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Elijah and Chloe

Elijah and Chloe had a great time last weekend....check it out!

chloe and I visited a golf show.  We had fun.  Chole sat in a net.  She also sat in golf balls.  She also sat in a golf bag.  She made new friends.  Their names are pinkallishis, care bear, Fuzzy, Devin, Hello kitty, Lamb, Baby Alive, another Baby Alive Samantha, Hip Hip Hipo, Frenchy,  and Cuby Bunny, Erins favorite dog. Chole and I had fun!!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Chloe and Kaylie Enjoying The Outdoors!

Kaylie took Chloe to visit her Grandma's farm last weekend - it sure looks like the had a good time. I love being outdoors and enjoying nature - I wish I was there.

Kaylie's journal entry:

Chloe and I visited Grandma's farm. Ethan, Chloe, and I climbed on the woodpile. We found and old tractor. Chloe wanted to play on it. We went into the apple orchard. Chloe and I climbed a tree. The next day we visited my baby cousin Landon. Chloe liked to swing with my dolls.
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Abby and Chloe Celebrating!

Abby was lucky enough to have Chloe over Christmas break!! She celebrated her birthday over break and invited Chloe along. Check out her journal entry(refer to the pictures as she writes):

Chloe and I are going to celebrate my birthday. Here we are on the way to the theater to meet my friends and we sall Chip wrecked. The show was lots of fun. After that we went to Buddys to have some pizza, cake, and piresints. Chloe loved the pizza. Chloe also made firends with my new bunny Abigail, Lammy, Bamboo, and we had fun together! Chloe and I and my family were sad becose my Great Grama past away. Chloe and I wish you have a Marry Christmas and a happy new year.

Love Abby

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